1.6. In this sense, the contractor advises and directs the contractor to take out reliable
insurance, so that he can be properly insured and assisted in the event of an eventual fatality
that puts his physical state at risk, especially, but not exclusively, if the purpose of the trip is
to practice sports of any kind.
1.2. The contractor declares that he has read and understood the clauses and terms of this
contract before signing it, so that he expressly agrees with the General and Specific Conditions
established herein.
1.5. The contracting party hereby declares that it is aware that the contracted party, as a
mere intermediary for contracting specific travel packages or services, has no responsibility
for events that occurred during the course of the trip, especially for accidents or personal
injuries of any nature. resulting from the practice of sports, especially those considered
“extreme” and risky.
1.1. This contract was formulated in the light of the principle of good faith, with clear and easyto-understand clauses, aiming to provide transparency and full knowledge of the contracting
terms by the contracting party, in accordance with the legal provisions of the Consumer
Protection Code and the Normative Deliberation of Embratur nº 161/85.
1.4. The contractor ensures that it will always make its best efforts to present the best service
options for the contractor’s choice, as well as to ensure that the services and packages
chosen and contracted can be enjoyed in an adequate and safe manner, in order to reach
expectations. deposited at the time of hiring.
1.7. The contractor is also not responsible for any misplacement, loss or damage caused to
belongings, luggage and sports equipment owned by the contractor, whose responsibility for
proper custody, adequate transport and integrity of belongings, luggage and materials is
entirely and exclusively of the companies chosen by the contracting party in the acquisition of
the specific service or travel package acquired through the contracted party.
1.3. The contracting party also declares that it is aware that the contracted party is a provider
of tourist services, and acts as an intermediary for tourist services offered by third-party
suppliers without any legal relationship, being limited, therefore, to the conditions established
by said suppliers, not having interference or responsibility over the tariffs practiced, services
offered or conditions established for the contracting of services that are, only, presented by
the contracted party to the contracting party as an option of free choice for their trip.